As a man in his late 60’s I have been taking Tri-Mix injections for the past 15 years due to my ED. Tri-Mix worked well for me injecting it three to four times each week until the past six months. Not only did my erection become less hard and dissipated quickly, injecting the needle became difficult due to scar tissue building up at the injection sites over the past 15 years.A simple injection of the needle became very painful. Moreover, the needle would bend when penetrating the injection area causing the Tri-Mix to be injected just under the skin, which was incredibly painful for me that lasted for hours.My first P-Shot with Dr Ibrahim seemed to not be effective, so Dr Ibrahim offered to provide me with a second P-Shot at no additional charge. The second P-Shot was exactly “what the doctor ordered.” Almost one month later to the day from my second P-Shot, I continue to be incredibly impressed – and incredibly thankful – for the many wonderful improvements in my sexual performance resulting from that second P-Shot.Firstly, the scar tissue seemed to dissolve allowing the Tri-Mix injection to go in easily and without pain.Secondly, my erections are now much harder even when I am now injecting a lower dosage of Tri-Mix as Dr Ibrahim recommended.Thirdly, my much harder erections now last for more than one hour, which my wife enjoys as much as I do.Lastly, now I feel a much greater sensitivity and experiencing much more pleasure in my genital area that endures for at least one hour or more. Working with Dr Ibrahim has been a God-send. Admittedly, I was feeling depressed over the loss of my sexual performance that actually became painful. I read too many article about “aging gracefully” and “to accept the loss of sexual performance” when you’re a man in his 60’s. I would have nothing to do with that kind of defeatist thinking. Simply too depressing. With Dr Ibrahim’s P-Shot coupled with other supporting treatments to increase my nitrogen levels, I am now performing sexually as I did throughout my 30’s. My libido is cruising – now firing on all cylinders – performing at a much higher level than I have for the past 20 years.
Thank you, Dr Ibrahim. You’re the best !!!